Develop an effective sales team

When do I need to hire a salesperson?


There is no pre-defined time at which a business should hire a salesperson. Every business has its own requirements that can be influences by seasonal patterns and economic shifts. However, certain triggers might suggest that hiring your first salesperson would benefit your business.

Missed opportunities 

If you're noticing missed opportunities, it might be time to recruit a salesperson. An experienced salesperson can take advantage of prospects  you might need more skills or time to pursue effectively.

Lack of resources 

Running a business demands your attention on multiple fronts. As your business grows, these demands increase, leaving you with less time to seek new business. Hiring a salesperson can help you continue growing without spreading yourself too thin.

Entering a new market

Are you thinking of entering a new market but need more expertise? A skilled salesperson with knowledge in that area can successfully drive your business in a new direction.

Increasing sales and market share 

it's perhaps the simplest reason for hiring a salesperson, but one of the most sensible. Once you have established there's a demand for your product or service, a professional salesperson can help maximise your revenue by targeting new customers and closing more deals.

Preparing for increased sales

Once you consider hiring a salesperson, you should consider whether you can deal with an increase in sales. There is no point paying someone to bring in new customers if you don't have the resources to meet the demand.