Apply to become a registered exporter if you're established in Northern Ireland


Last updated 20 June 2023

Apply to HMRC to become a registered exporter on the Registered Exporter (REX) system.

You cannot apply to become a registered exporter if your business is established in Great Britain.

Who can apply

You can apply to HMRC if you’re established in Northern Ireland and import goods under an EU preference that are not released for free circulation but are supplied to an EU country.

The REX system will allow you to issue statements of origin when the value of the consignment is over €6,000.

How to apply

You must apply for registration by emailing:

You’ll need to include your business’s:

We’ll aim to reply to you within 5 days with:

  • a username
  • a password
  • details of how to access the EU Trader Portal where you can make your application

After you’ve applied, we’ll process your application within 30 days.

Businesses in Great Britain

Your registration has been cancelled. You must replace your REX number with your EORI number for instances where:

  • you would have previously used your REX number
  • the UK has a continuity trade agreement that requires a REX number
  • your exporting goods to countries covered by the UK’s Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS) to be added into products that will be reimported under bilateral cumulation arrangements

After you’re registered

Find out more about the REX system.

Find out how to complete a declaration if you’re using the Customs Declaration Service.

Get help with the REX registration

For enquiries about REX system applications email:

If you have any questions about REX system policy email:

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