Facebook for business

Measure and monitor your Facebook activity


You should track your Facebook activity. Measure it to see if your page is doing well or needs improvements. Facebook Insights is a free tool that can help you do that. It is automatically available when you set up a Facebook business page.

Page Insights allows you to analyse metrics, including:

  • the number of people who like your page
  • how many people see each post (known as the reach)
  • how many people interacted with each post, including clicks, likes, shares and comments
  • when your audience are online
  • page visits

You can use this data to decide when to post updates. It will also help you see what content interests customers. 

Insights also provides demographic information about the people who like your page. This includes:

  • gender
  • age
  • location
  • language

You can also 'watch' other pages. This can help you benchmark against your competitors.

Facebook advertising reporting

If you use paid-for advertising on Facebook, the Ads Manager tool can help you see how your ads are performing.

Using the Facebook tracking pixel can help you get detailed information on your ad performance. The pixel is placed on your site and monitors when someone from Facebook takes a desired action on your site. This action is called a "conversion." It could be a sale or a contact form completion. 

You can assign a monetary value to each conversion and compare this with your advertising spend. This helps you easily see your return on investment.