Podcast for business

What to consider before launching a podcast


Before you begin to plan your business podcast series, you need to find your ‘niche’, which includes choosing an overall theme. Think about whether you know enough about this theme so you can produce more than one episode that will focus on a topic within that theme.

For example, your theme might be about digital marketing. Each episode will deep-dive into a topic in this area, such as search engine optimisation, social media or email marketing

Podcasting offers the opportunity to try different formats including solo, co-host, panel and storytelling. You should pick a format that will work best for your business.

You need to consider what kind of content you think your audience and customer base will respond to and listen to.

Who is your podcast target audience?

It’s best practice to identify a particular group as your target audience instead of aiming to reach everyone. Good quality content targeted to a specific group of people will help you find your ‘voice’ and start growing your audience.

Choosing a name for your podcast

Your podcast name should be instantly recognisable to listeners searching for your theme. You can have a descriptive title or something clever and catchy, but ensure it captures your product or service.

How often should I release new episodes?

However, it’s best practice to ensure your episodes are released regularly and at a particular time. Consider how much time and effort it will take to record each podcast episode. Also, consider how resource intensive it will be. Think about this before picking a release schedule.

For example, you might record a podcast theme with ten episodes at once and release one weekly or monthly. Planning your podcast this way will allow you to stick to a schedule and build a loyal audience.

When considering a podcast for your business, think about “why” you are choosing this channel. Also, consider “what” actions you want listeners to take and “how” you will measure success. 

In addition, think about how using a podcast for communications will fit into your digital marketing strategy.

How long should a podcast episode be?

There is no ideal length - you should make each episode the length it needs to be. Making a structure or rough script will help you see the length. It will show if you need to cut some parts.

Once your podcast is running and gaining momentum, you could poll your listeners. Ask them what they want in the future. 

Each episode should also show how much time and resources you can invest in recording and production.

Video podcast

You can also consider recording a video podcast. Do this if you think it's right for your business and have products to highlight. The video can be as complex or as simple as you want. You could record it live or add static images over the audio. 

Creating a video podcast will give you social media content and can increase your online engagement.