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REACH compliance inspections in the metal surface treatment industry

Visits to focus on compliance within the supply chain and on measures needed to protect the environment and human health

Net zero transatlantic flight fund

Competition to run the first-ever commercial aircraft flight powered by 100 per cent sustainable aviation fuel between the UK and the US

FSA update: Oil substitutions and product labelling

Further update has been made to the FSA guidance on vegetable oil substitutions and product labelling

Cyber Crime Centre phishing alert

Businesses and organisations in Northern Ireland have been advised to watch out for suspicious emails

Apply to the UK Space Agency for NavISP funding

Funding for space-enabled and space-supported navigation products, services and applications

Coronavirus: Workplace safety guidelines

Workplace guidelines and measures to help prevent the transmission of coronavirus

F gas legislation review

European Union review and feedback period of fluorinated greenhouse gas policy and legislation

New employment document toolkit

New employer toolkit from the Labour Relations Agency to help Northern Ireland businesses navigate employment rules and regulations

Green Finance Strategy update call for evidence

A call for evidence to support the development of an update to the United Kingdom's Green Finance Strategy

Commercialising Connected and Automated Mobility

New £40 million competition to kick-start commercial self-driving services, such as delivery vehicles and passenger shuttles

Faraday Battery Challenge Round 5

Funding for projects to deliver breakthrough advances in sustainable propulsion battery technologies for electric vehicles

Harassment and bullying at work - new employer guidance

New guidance from the Equality Commission and Labour Relations Agency will help employers create and sustain inclusive workplaces

Energy Catalyst Round 9

Apply for a share of up to £20m to create new or improved clean energy access in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia or the Indo-Pacific region

Future Nuclear Enabling Fund

Register your interest in bidding for this funding to help mature potential nuclear projects ahead of future government selection processes

Children's code: new resources to aid compliance

The UK Information Commissioner's Office has published new tools and guidance to help businesses comply with the Children's code

New public procurement policy for Northern Ireland – social value scoring

Social value to be scored in Northern Ireland government contracts from June 2022

Views sought on proposal of an online sales tax

Consultation to explore the introduction of an online sales tax to help rebalance taxation in the retail sector between online and in-store sales

Voice For Locals initiative

A small business programme personalised for local businesses to help them recover, rebuild and rebound from post-COVID challenges

Safety inspection programme for engineering businesses

HSENI Inspectors will be visiting engineering businesses across NI to ensure that proper controls are in place to manage health and safety

Rural Business Development Grant Scheme 2022

Grant aid for rural micro businesses of 50 per cent up to the value of £4,999 for the purchase of capital equipment to remain sustainable

Rate bills to issue from 21 April 2022

Rate bills for 2022-23 will begin to be sent out to businesses from 21 April 2022

JobApplyNI free service for employers

If you are looking to recruit new staff, you can sign up to the JobApplyNI website to post your vacancies online