Export Controls and licences
Export licences and certificates
Licences, certificates and special rules for taking goods out of the UK
How to register and use the Excise Movement and Control System
When you must use the Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS), and how to register and enrol.
UK sanctions
Information on UK sanctions currently in place and how to apply for a licence
UK sanctions regimes
Information on UK sanctions regimes currently in force
Export controls: dual-use items, software and technology, goods for torture and radioactive sources
Guide to licensing procedure and other restrictions for export of controlled dual-use items, software and technology, goods for torture and radioactive sources.
Exporting controlled goods
Guidance explaining what will change for exporters of controlled goods from 1 January 2021
Moving excise goods as freight under the Northern Ireland Protocol
Information about the movement of excise goods, which may involve interaction with customs requirements