Advertise apprenticeship opportunities on JobApplyNI
Advertise apprenticeship opportunities on JobApplyNI
JobApplyNI is a free website developed by the Department for Communities to promote and advertise apprenticeship opportunities to citizens.
Employers simply upload information about their apprenticeship opportunities on to the website for citizens to search.
JobApplyNI employer benefits
- Provides you with a direct, easy to manage website to advertise your apprenticeship opportunities
- Advertise your organisation's apprenticeship opportunities to citizens; including young people, parents and career teachers
- Enables citizens to find out about apprenticeship opportunities at your organisation
- Makes it easier for citizens, including young people in school, to find apprenticeship opportunities
- Broaden awareness of the range of occupations that exist across Northern Ireland
- Access a wide range of young people and promote your company and the skills you need
Current opportunities advertised on JobApplyNI.
Contact JobApplyNI
If you have any queries relating directly to registration or use of the system:
- email
- Tel 028 9016 3473
Also on this site
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