Supporting Digital Transformation webinar series

News article

Grow and transform your business through advanced digital technology

The Digital Transformation webinar series will show businesses how to grow and transform their business through advanced digital technology

The free thematic webinars delivered by the William J. Clinton Leadership Institute, will focus on the six advanced digital technologies that are eligible for funding under Digital Transformation Flexible Fund (DTFF).

You will hear from leading industry guest speakers, sharing their personal and business experiences, insights, tips and future predictions gained from their digital transformation journeys.

The Supporting Digital Transformation webinar series supports the ambitions of the Digital Transformation Flexible Fund, a grant led scheme aimed at establishing a Northern Ireland wide fund to stimulate innovation.

The DTFF promotes the adoption of advanced digital technologies to drive business transformation amongst small and micro businesses in Northern Ireland.


The series of six expert led webinars is being organised in partnership with the William J. Clinton Leadership Institute at Queen's Business School and the Digital Transformation Flexible Fund.

The webinars introduce the Digital Transformation Flexible Fund and explain how small and micro businesses can gain a competitive edge and grow sustainably through digital transformation.

Attendees will be guided through the range of technologies they may wish to implement into their business and the required proposal steps they need to follow to apply for a DTFF grant.

The webinars include:

What is the Digital Transformation Flexible Fund?

The Digital Transformation Flexible Fund (DTFF) is a demand led grant scheme aimed at establishing a Northern Ireland wide fund to stimulate digital innovation. It seeks to address the financial barriers to the adoption of advanced digital technologies as a means to achieve business transformation amongst small and micro-businesses.

The DTFF grants are worth between £5,000 and £20,000 (ex VAT) and are designed to help small and micro-businesses accelerate their digital transformation ambitions.

If eligible, the grant can fund up to 70% of the cost of a project with 30% match funding from the applicant.

Find out more about the Digital Transformation Flexible Fund.

First published 17 May 2024