Transport Research and Innovation Grants 2024

News article

Proof-of-concept funding for the development of new transport research products, processes, or services.

The Department for Transport (DfT) and Connect Places Catapult have launched a £1.3 million competition to transform the transport sector, grow the economy and inspire innovation.

The Transport Research and Innovation Grant (TRIG) scheme supports businesses and academics working on innovative ideas in the early stages of their research. It aims to improve transport across the country and support skilled jobs as part of the United Kingdom Government’s plan to help grow the economy.

Previous TRIG winners have gone on to improve the passenger experience across the country through:

  • better connecting rural communities with a shuttle bus app
  • ensuring people can stay online whilst travelling by sea by expanding 5G data coverage
  • using AI technology to provide real-time insights to authorities on how local transport is being used so it can be improved
  • trialling the use of hydrogen to make plane and boat journeys greener

TRIG is open to any UK organisation to support proof-of-concept projects that could lead to the development of successful new transport research products, processes, or services. TRIG is designed to support organisations by providing easily accessible grants, alumni, and wrap-around support from Connected Places Catapult to bring innovations closer to the market.

TRIG aims to: 

  • stimulate the development of new technology solutions to DfT challenges
  • provide innovators with support to try out new ideas – to show early promise, or fail fast
  • join up innovators with DfT colleagues in a safe setting and allow them to learn together
  • help create future leaders in transport, whilst driving jobs and growth

For TRIG 2024, DfT will offer innovators grants of up to £45,000 across four separate challenge areas, in addition to an Open Call challenge to undertake early stage feasibility studies.

Find out more about Transport Research and Innovation Grants and how to apply.

Applications will close on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

First published 16 May 2024