Apply for funding from the Peatland Challenge Competition

News article

Find out what funds are available to help protect Northern Ireland peatlands

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has launched the Peatland Challenge Fund to support projects that will help achieve key environmental objectives across Northern Ireland.

This funding will be used to restore Northern Ireland's peatlands, improve the environment's health, and help meet biodiversity and Net Zero targets. 

The competition offers grants of over £50,000 with funding covering up to 100% of eligible project costs.

Who can apply?

Not-for-profit voluntary organisations and councils are eligible to apply for the Peatland Challenge Fund.

Key areas of the Peatland Challenge Fund

The key areas for funding under this competition are:

•    nature and climate recovery - building ecological and climate resilience
•    connecting people with the environment

Check eligibility criteria and how to apply for the Peatland Challenge Fund.

The deadline for applications is midday on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

First published 17 May 2024

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