Employ and support people with disabilities
Health & Work Support Branch
The Health & Work Support Branch (HWSB) staff offers help and advice to both employers and people with disabilities about the range of specialist support available to help people start and retain a job.
You may identify someone who has the skills for your job but have questions about how their disability may affect them in the workplace - such as how they will manage the job. HWSB advisers are located across Northern Ireland and can offer practical advice to help both you and the potential employee overcome any barriers to starting work.
Support available
The type of support available may include advice on the following:
- recruiting people with disabilities
- retaining employees who become disabled
- financial help or support to employ people with disabilities through the Access to Work (NI) and Workable (NI)
- job/employee assessment and job/environment redesign
- equipment and ergonomics in the workplace
- accessibility of premises
- development of disability awareness
- development of good employment practices
- preparation, advice, and guidance to help people with disabilities who are applying for jobs
- encouraging employers to provide dedicated interview times for applicants with disabilities
- providing employers with advice on reasonable adjustments, such as additional time for interview
- offering the employer and the job applicant appropriate options of tailored support during the recruitment process
- offering the employer and the employee appropriate options of tailored support to help the worker with a disability perform to the best of their ability in the workplace
- Workable (NI)028 9072 6761
- Access to Work (NI)028 9090 9321
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