How to keep up to date on chemical regimes


There are several sources of information and email update services which can keep your business informed about chemical regimes.

For more detail on compliance with individual regimes see our guidance on:

EU chemical regimes

The following links provide information on EU chemical regimes which apply in Northern Ireland.

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

To receive the latest information on European Union chemical regimes, such as REACH, CLP and BPR, you can sign up to the ECHA weekly email service.

ECHA also publish some key updates and news stories.

You can also get the latest information on EU CLP and EU BPR by registering with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) eBulletin.

European Commission

The European Commission is responsible for EU policy on the environment. It proposes and implements policies that ensure a high level of environmental protection and preserve the quality of life of EU citizens

Register on the ‘Have your say’ portal to share your views on initiatives for new EU policies and existing laws. To subscribe, select the topic ‘Environment’, and then ‘Chemicals - clarification of requirements for registering, evaluating, authorising and restricting chemicals’.

United Kingdom / Great Britain chemical regimes

The following links provide information on UK / GB chemical regimes which apply in England, Scotland and Wales.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

You can sign up to the HSE eBulletin to keep up to date on any information relating to UK / GB chemicals regimes, which is important if you wish to access the GB market. The eBulletin also contains information on EU CLP and EU BPR which is relevant to NI.

UK Government email alerts

You can sign up to email alerts on government activity in relation to chemicals in the following areas:

Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI)

You can find the latest chemicals news for NI on the HSENI website.