Paying PAYE (Pay As You Earn)

Please note: paying HM Revenue & Customs guidance can be found on the GOV.UK website. We provide links to the key information below.

Pay employers' PAYE
How to pay PAYE and National Insurance for employers, including Construction Industry Scheme, student loan deductions, reference numbers, bank details, deadlines and payment booklets

Pay employers' Class 1A National Insurance
How to pay Class 1A National Insurance for employers, including a HMRC reference number, bank details, Faster Payments, CHAPS, Bacs, overseas payments and deadlines

Pay a PAYE Settlement Agreement
How to pay a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA), including payment methods, reference numbers, bank details and deadlines

Pay a PAYE late payment or filing penalty
How to pay a PAYE late payment penalty, including payment methods, reference numbers, bank account details and deadlines