Understanding fixed-term contracts

Informing fixed-term employees about permanent vacancies


You must inform fixed-term employees of permanent vacancies in your organisation, and give them the same opportunity as others to apply for such roles.

You should inform fixed-term and permanent employees of such vacancies at the same time and in the same way. Displaying a vacancy notice where all employees can see it or emailing the vacancy to all staff members will usually enable you to do this effectively.

Industrial Tribunals

Finally, under the regulations, a fixed-term employee may present a claim to an Industrial Tribunal alleging that they have not been informed of available vacancies or that they have suffered a detriment, or less favourable treatment. If you receive such a complaint you can contact the Labour Relations Agency (LRA). Its conciliation service applies to such claims. See details of the LRA's dispute resolution services.

  • LRA Workplace Information Service
    03300 555 300
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  • LRA