Setting up a construction material logistics plan

Manage materials on your construction project


Your construction material logistics plan (MLP) could be affected by changes to the construction site during a project. It is important that you identify these changes and review your MLP to take them into account.

During the site mobilisation stage, all the processes defined in the MLP will be implemented. The success of the MLP will depend largely on how the site mobilisation was implemented and communicated to everyone involved.

You should conduct regular project reviews to ensure that everyone is sticking to agreed procedures that are going to be assessed. This will help identify opportunities for improvement.

It is also important to ensure that you have the appropriate plant and equipment available to handle your materials and to minimise the damage to them. You should monitor all equipment that is used to handle materials, as this will give you an indication of rates of use. For example, use of hoists and cranes should be planned to ensure that such equipment is kept well used, but not used more than is necessary. If your suppliers need to use such assets, they should be asked to pre-book their use.

Once the project has ended, you will need to oversee the demobilisation of the site. This is important so that materials, equipment, staff and waste are removed from the site in a safe and managed way.

You could charge some suppliers for the use of the assets, as this will demonstrate its value to the project. If you have an efficient demobilisation strategy, it will help you to effectively remove excess materials, wastes, plant, equipment, labour and facilities.

To ensure that you have a controlled approach you should identify, within your demobilisation strategy, how material use at the end of the project will be managed to prevent excess material being delivered that may result in waste. Your demobilisation strategy should also include how you will use excess materials and if they can be used at another project.