Setting up a construction material logistics plan

Subcontractors and your construction material logistics plan


If you are using a material logistics plan (MLP) for your construction project, you should make sure that you involve your subcontractors. You will need to ensure they are effectively prepared, managed and monitored so they are aware of their responsibilities under the MLP and are able to supply the required information and meet the requirements of the plan.

Each subcontractor should conform to standards agreed with the main contractor. These standards should be itemised and included as key performance indicators where possible. It is also recommended that they are included within any formal agreement between the main contractor and subcontractors.

All subcontractors also need to supply data on material quantities and provide evidence of their purchase, use and disposal route under the MLP. This information should include:

  • quantity of each material type and when and where it will be delivered
  • how much of each material is factored in for contingency - eg design waste and construction process waste
  • copies of purchase orders
  • material delivery times, access, delivery points and documentation
  • material load units - crates, pallets, etc - and any specific handling equipment requirements
  • details on material packaging and if it is returnable
  • material labelling procedures and use of any tag type systems
  • material storage and security procedures
  • material collection and returns procedures - including waste transfer notes and hazardous waste consignment notes if handled by subcontractors