Introduction to Intrastat

Penalties for late or inaccurate Supplementary Declarations


You could be liable to penalties if your SDs are persistently late, missing, inaccurate, incomplete or where only part of a month’s EU trade is declared. HMRC can provide help on the completion of the Intrastat forms if you’re experiencing difficulties.

The penalty regime is a criminal one and could result in proceedings in a magistrate’s court. This could lead to a maximum fine of £2,500 being imposed for each offence.

However, there could be the opportunity to ‘compound’ any proceedings which involves the offer of an administrative fine in lieu of any Court proceedings.

You must pay any administrative fines electronically by Bacs or CHAPs, using:

Bank Account No: 12000903
Sort Code: 08 32 00

Use IP followed by your VAT number as the reference (for example, IP 123 4567 89). If this method poses any difficulty, email:

Payment of a compound penalty does not absolve you from your legal obligation to submit the SDs for the periods covered by the penalty.