Importing and exporting plants and plant products

Personal imports of plant and plant products


A phytosanitary certificate is now required for small quantities of plants and plant products carried in passenger luggage from outside of the EU and intended for personal use.

Since 11 April 2022, a Phytosanitary Certificate can only be issued for plants which have been grown in nurseries registered and supervised by the national plant protection organisation of the country of origin, and which have been inspected at appropriate times prior to export.

Bringing soil and certain plants and plant products is prohibited from outside the EU.

A small range of fruits (durians, dates, pineapple, coconut and bananas) are permitted.

Bringing some plants and plant products into Northern Ireland from areas within the EU is restricted because of the NI Protected Zone status in place against a range of pest and diseases.

Read more about what plants you can and cannot bring into NI for personal use

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) inspectors at airports can seize any materials considered to be a potential risk to plant health.