Tender for public sector contracts in Northern Ireland

Understanding social value in public procurement


When you are bidding for a public sector procurement contract you need to demonstrate how you are delivering on social value initiatives related to the contract. The social value element makes up a minimum of 10% of the award criteria along with price and quality. 

The social value award criteria apply to:

  • services contract tenders worth over £138,760 
  • construction contract tenders worth over £5.3m

The public sector organisation will specify in the tender documentation what area of social value you need to demonstrate. There are four themed areas, including: 

  • increasing secure employment and skills
  • building ethical and resilient supply chains
  • delivering zero carbon
  • promoting well-being

In addition to demonstrating one or more of these themes, you must also pay staff who are working on the contract at least the National Living Wage to meet all public sector tender requirements.

How to demonstrate social value in your tender submission

Demonstrating social value in your tender application will vary depending on the type of contract you are bidding for.

View more specific guidance for your business type for example IT, construction or services.

Tips for demonstrating social value

Before applying for a contract, you should:

  • research the organisation that has advertised the tender opportunity to understand the social value requirements
  • clearly outline what you will do, how you will do it and the organisations (if any) you will work with to achieve the criteria
  • be specific and relevant to ensure you meet all requirements to get the most marks
  • not submit general corporate social responsibility policies
  • be realistic and only make commitments you can deliver on

What is social value?

Social value maximises social, economic and environmental benefits throughout the public procurement process.

It promotes the well-being of individuals, communities and the environment and rewards companies that think socially and innovatively for the common good.

What is a broker?

Brokers are organisations in Northern Ireland that already work with people and communities on social value themes.

There is an interactive database to help connect you to brokers to find solutions to deliver the social value requirements of the tender theme.

The initiatives should be proportionate to the value of the contract you are applying for and must be activities you would not have done without the contract.

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