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  • Survey gives businesses their say on tax system issues

    The survey provides crucial insight into the big issues faced by small businesses including tax agents in the tax system.

  • Go Succeed business events

    Register for upcoming events offered by Go Succeed, the council support service for Northern Ireland businesses.

  • Latest HMRC tax webinars

    Upcoming webinars from HM Revenue & Customs to help employers, businesses and the self-employed understand tax issues that affect them.

Voice For Locals initiative

A small business programme personalised for local businesses to help them recover, rebuild and rebound from post-COVID challenges

Automotive Transformation Fund Scale up Readiness Validation

Organisations can apply for a share of up to £15 million to validate readiness for scale up of net zero technologies and processes

Safety inspection programme for engineering businesses

HSENI Inspectors will be visiting engineering businesses across NI to ensure that proper controls are in place to manage health and safety

Rural Business Development Grant Scheme 2022

Grant aid for rural micro businesses of 50 per cent up to the value of £4,999 for the purchase of capital equipment to remain sustainable

Rate bills to issue from 21 April 2022

Rate bills for 2022-23 will begin to be sent out to businesses from 21 April 2022

JobApplyNI free service for employers

If you are looking to recruit new staff, you can sign up to the JobApplyNI website to post your vacancies online

Green Innovation Challenge Fund pilot launched

Businesses can apply for project funding to solve challenges of moving to a net zero energy system while delivering growth and jobs for NI

Canada & UK Net Zero Value Chains - Transportation

Apply to collaborate on joint R&D projects that enable the transition to net zero for the automotive, rail, or maritime sectors

Making Tax Digital is mandatory for all VAT registered businesses

Making Tax Digital for VAT is mandatory for all VAT registered businesses from 1 April 2022

Be the Business free mentoring support

Businesses with at least one employee can access mentoring and online support to help improve their performance

Town centre property revamp scheme for Mid and East Antrim businesses

Mid and East Antrim’s Town Centre Property revamp scheme has reopened

Practical business examples sought on how to create LGBT+ inclusive workplaces

Employers, HR practitioners and staff networks' views sought on their practical experience of supporting LGBT+ inclusion in the workplace

Plastic Packaging Tax comes into force from 1 April 2022

You may need to register Plastic Packaging Tax if you’ve manufactured or imported 10 or more tonnes of finished plastic packaging components

Economic Recovery Innovation Grant

[CLOSED TO APPLICATIONS] £4 million innovation grant for SMEs opens for applications

Net Zero Technology Centre innovation funding

Funding competition targets and funds technologies that will enable the delivery of the UK’s net zero ambitions

Improved energy performance standards in new buildings launched

Guidance aims to help reduce energy bills in new homes and buildings and support a more secure energy system and the renewables sector

Consultation on reforms to packaging waste systems

Reforms to the Packaging Waste Recycling Note and Packaging Waste Export Recycling Note Systems and Operator Approval consultation

New rules for international road haulage in 2022

Prepare for new rules for transporting goods to or through Europe using cars and trailers, vans and HGVs from 2022

Energy Entrepreneurs Fund phase 9

Supporting development of technologies, products and processes for energy efficiency, power generation, heat generation and energy storage

Access to Funding Programme for Newry, Mourne and Down businesses

Business support programme aims to provide the skills and knowledge to create effective, well written and successful funding applications

Food safety consultation: Ocean bound plastics

Call for evidence on the use of recycled plastic in food contact materials - respond by 20 September 2022 

Consultation on developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme

The UK ETS Authority is seeking views on the development of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme