BPR - Biocidal Products Regulation



Great Britain Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR) came into force on 31 December 2020. GB BPR applies in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).

The existing European Union Biocidal Products Regulation (EU BPR) has been copied into GB law and amended to enable it to operate effectively in GB. This means that most aspects of EU BPR will continue in the same way under the new stand-alone regime.

Find out more about the GB BPR and your obligations.

Unfettered access notification

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will treat biocidal products as being authorised in GB under GB BPR where a business based in Northern Ireland holds a valid authorisation or permit for the product under EU BPR in NI and wants to supply the product in GB. However, a notification procedure must be followed before products can be supplied in GB.

Find more information on unfettered access notification.

Information on chemicals under GB BPR

You should regularly check the following annexes and lists to keep up to date with information on chemicals relevant to your business: 

GB BPR Calls for Evidence and Consultations

HSE regularly organises consultations to obtain feedback and gather scientific information for the regulatory process. You can contribute to these consultations on HSE’s Citizen Space.

Northern Ireland Chemical Stakeholder Forum

Planning has started on setting up a Northern Ireland Chemical Stakeholder Forum. If this forum is something you would be interested in participating in, register your interest by emailing chemicals.team@economy-ni.gov.uk.

Further support on GB BPR

If you have any queries relating to GB BPR, you should contact the UK Chemicals Helpline on Tel. 0330 159 1985. Opening hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

If you have any queries relating to compliance and enforcement, please send an email to CRDEnforcement@hse.gov.uk.

If you need further assistance or have any queries on the guidance on this page please contact the Department for the Economy Chemicals Team at chemicals.team@economy-ni.gov.uk.