Support employee work-life balance

Identify work-life balance problems


As an employer, you might find it hard to judge whether you are supporting your employees' need to balance their work commitments with their home life. However, there are signs that employers can look out for that may indicate that staff have an unhealthy work-life balance.

How to recognise poor employee work-life balance

Tell-tale signs of poor work-life balance in your employees include:

  • deadlines not being met
  • targets or goals not being achieved
  • untidy workspaces
  • frequency of mistakes increasing
  • poor quality work
  • increase in customer complaints
  • decrease in productivity
  • staff not taking holidays or sufficient rest breaks
  • staff appearing exhausted and withdrawn
  • employees doing a lot of overtime
  • employees taking a lot of time off to deal with 'emergencies' involving children or other dependants
  • high levels of employee stress
  • increase in staff conflict
  • high rates of absenteeism or staff sickness
  • high levels of staff turnover

If you recognise a number of these symptoms affecting your staff and your business you may need to take action to create a healthy work-life balance in your workplace.