Food and drink business water efficiency

Poultry meat processing water efficiency


Poultry processors can save money by using less water and reducing liquid waste, known as effluent. By adopting a systematic approach, you can cut your water and effluent bills by an average of 10-15%, at little or no cost to the business. By including projects with payback periods of up to two years, you can save more than 30%.

Improving poultry delivery

To reduce water use and effluent in your business, avoid transporting recently fed birds. This increases faeces discharge and the strength of effluent from washing crates, modules, and vehicles.

Consider installing vehicle wash meters that require drivers to use coins or tokens to raise awareness of water usage.

Slaughtering and carcass washing

To reduce water use during slaughtering and evisceration (disembowelling):

  • ensure birds are properly stunned before slaughter to minimise splattering
  • optimise blood collection by designing efficient blood tunnels and removing solid and semi-solid matter before washing down
  • install controls, such as timer switches, on conveyors, shackle washers and belt washers to restrict the use of wash water
  • use appropriate directional spray nozzles for carcass washing
  • use suitable spray cooling nozzles during processing
  • properly maintain cooling nozzles and other processing equipment

Cleaning operations in poultry meat processing

To reduce effluent costs associated with cleaning operations, you can:

  • intercept and collect meat scraps using drain covers, trays or bins
  • use cyclonic vacuum cleaners
  • use appropriate cleaning methods, such as low-pressure spray guns fitted with flat-spray nozzles
  • efficiently use cleaning chemicals
  • optimise water use when spraying with high-pressure, low-volume spray heads, ensuring proper direction and accessible controls
  • do not overuse sprays
  • regularly check pipes and hoses for leaks and ensure proper connection to prevent water loss

Effluent treatment in poultry meat processing

To reduce trade effluent charges, screen effluent to remove larger solids and ensure appropriate maintenance for good cleaning performance. This reduces disposal costs or, for larger businesses that treat their effluent further, the load on the effluent treatment plant.