Use resources efficiently in your hotel

Save water in your hotel


The first step in improving water efficiency in your hotel is to identify all the areas that use water. This will include water use in food preparation, swimming pools, toilets, showers, grounds maintenance, cleaning and laundry. Next identify how much water your hotel is using. You can check your water bill if it is metered or use sub-metering to track usage. The best way to achieve water efficiency is to avoid using water when it is not required.

There are many opportunities to use less water and adopt more efficient processes. Forward planning, staff training and staff suggestions are all important parts of water efficiency and can contribute to the water reduction.

Save water in guest bedrooms and common toilets

There are a range of shower systems and taps available that minimise water use by either limiting the flow or stopping automatically. Modern low-flush toilets can reduce the water used per flush by more than 50 per cent compared with older styles. Retrofit low-flush devices can also be used. Urinal flush controls such as motion sensors can help avoid flushing when they are not in use.

Catering water efficiency

There are many simple ways to avoid wasting water in the kitchen. Choose hotel kitchen equipment that uses minimal water and check the European Water Label. Operate dishwashers only when they are full and use the economy setting. Avoid using running water to defrost or wash. Keep equipment maintained and drains clean.

Laundry water efficiency

You should only operate washing machines on full loads and at minimal temperatures. Check the European Water Label when buying new machines.

Pool water efficiency

You can modernise swimming pool filtration systems to help minimise water use. Evaporation can lead to increased water consumption. You can reduce this by optimising the temperature and installing a pool cover. Ensure the automatic water top up system is not overfilling the pool.

Save water in grounds maintenance

You should consider minimising the water used for ground maintenance by installing water butts for rainwater reuse. Drought intolerant plants are less demanding on water supplies. Reduce evaporative losses by using mulching and irrigating late at night or early in the morning.

Alternative water sources

For processes that do not require high water quality, such as toilet flushing, some water sources other than mains water can be used. Greywater (the wastewater from bathing and laundries) can be used in your hotel for toilet flushing, landscape watering and laundry to reduce the demand on mains water. Rainwater can be harvested for various uses except drinking and food preparation. A borehole can provide access to local groundwater.