How to be an engaging manager

Support and motivate employees


The way managers shape the roles of employees, oversee and support them in their work has a huge effect on individual wellbeing, commitment and performance.

Practical ways to support and motivate staff

To help you support and motivate your employees you could consider:

Job design and responsibilities

Employees who have input into shaping the work they do and how they do it are far more engaged than those who are simply given tasks to complete.

Objectives linked to business goals

When employees can see how their objectives, whether at an individual or team level, directly contribute to the overall strategy and success of the business they will feel motivated and invested in what they do.

Trusting in staff

Give employees the freedom to carry out their work in ways that suit them without being micro-managed. You could set SMART targets but give staff the autonomy to work out how they will deliver on these tragets. See agreeing performance objectives with staff.

Staff autonomy

Where applicable, give employees the autonomy to manage projects and take responsibility for managing budgets or other resources and meeting measurable targets. This will help develop their skills and abilities while also freeing up your time to manage other areas of the business or focus on other priorities.

Performance feedback

Providing regular, open and honest feedback on individual performance to help employees understand how they are progressing, identify areas for improvement or development will motivate staff to continually improve their perfromance in line with their objectives and business goals.

Supportive behavious

You should encourage and spotlight staff that exhibit positive behaviours and challenge inappropriate behaviour that is contrary to accepted business values or standards.

Directing employees

Direct employees more firmly when needed to help them deliver the level of performance required.