Social media platforms

LinkedIn for business


LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world. The channel has over 500 million members. LinkedIn company pages allow your business to share the latest products, services or updates from your organisation with your followers. Some businesses use the platform to find staff and list job vacancies.

LinkedIn company pages are free to create. They are a useful way of building brand awareness and driving traffic to your website. LinkedIn profiles are also free to create. They are used by individuals to highlight their skills and experience. If your employees have LinkedIn profiles they can connect with your company page. This may help to highlight the skills and experience within your business.

How to create your LinkedIn company page

To create your company page on LinkedIn, you need to enter your name and company email address then verify that you are eligible to create a page on behalf of your company. Next you add a company description and overview. Include what your company does, its expertise, and what makes it unique.

To make your page more visually appealing you could consider including your company's logo and an image.

Your company page is likely to appear in search engine results. It is important to optimise your company description and use relevant keywords within the copy as you would on your own website.

Posting content

Posting updates is an effective way of directly engaging with your target audience. You need to consider what you are going to post and how frequently you will provide updates. Many businesses share company news and industry articles. It's a good idea to use a mix of rich content such as images, infographics and videos. This can help increase engagement with your followers.

When you share an update from your company page, you can share it with all your followers, or a targeted selection of your audience. For example, targeted updates can be segmented by, company size, industry and geography. LinkedIn requires that you have a specific number of followers before you can send targeted updates.

Posting around once per day should work well for most accounts.

Promoting your LinkedIn company page

An easy and cost effective way to promote your page is by linking it to your other marketing channels eg your website, emails, newsletters, blogs and other social media channels. You could add a "Follow" button to your website. This will make it simple for visitors to click and then follow your page.

Encouraging your employees to engage with your company updates will mean that their network of connections will see them too. This can help to maximise your reach.

LinkedIn paid promotion is another way of reaching a bigger audience. For example, 'Follow Ads' can target an audience and encourage them to follow you. You can also use sponsored updates. This involves paying to boost the number of people who will see your posts. LinkedIn allows you to host and promote video content natively.  

LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn groups are topic based forums that allow professionals to share content and discuss industry issues. Groups provide an opportunity to share your company's content. You should take care to avoid posting overly sales-focused content which could be seen as spam. Instead aim to post useful information, positioning yourself as a subject-matter expert.

Analysing your performance

LinkedIn's company page analytics allow you to evaluate the reach and engagement of each of your updates. Monitoring the impact of the content you are posting will allow you to see what sort of content works best, so you can refine and adapt your approach. See measuring social media campaigns.

See how connects with its followers through LinkedIn.