Prepare your business to tender for contracts

Implement changes to improve your business


When competing for contract work, it is important for your business to meet essential criteria. Gaps in your policies, skills, or compliance can harm your chances of winning contracts. Taking the time to implement necessary changes can open up new markets and opportunities.

Make the right changes

If you have identified areas for improvement in your business, it's important to plan how you will make changes. This can help you to avoid common pitfalls and improve your chances of a successful outcome.

Create an action plan

Start by developing a detailed action plan outlining the changes you need to make and the steps required to implement them.

Seek expert advice

Consider bringing in external experts to advise on the best strategies for change. Find out how to get the right advisers for growth.

Develop a marketing strategy

A marketing strategy can communicate the benefits of your product or service to potential customers. Find out how to create your marketing strategy.

Focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Good corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be attractive to potential customers. Find out more about the change management process.

Key areas for best practice

Consider three key areas where best practice can set your business apart from the rest. These are employment practices, health and safety and environmental compliance. For more detail on these topics see:

Quality management

Quality management standards provide a framework for a business to manage its processes and activities. Many large businesses and public sector organisations require suppliers to have recognised certification. Achieving standards may lead to a higher profile and increased business overseas.

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Construction industry specifics

The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is a set of special rules for handling payments for construction work that contractors make to subcontractors. See Construction Industry Scheme.